Know us more
When opening a company, the main thing is its name and in this case we thought of implementing one that would be short and easy to remember, discussing possible names for the business, one of them suggested "Michis". Since this makes a play on words with our product to be elaborated.
"Michis" is an affectionate term used in Mexico to refer to cats. Everyone liked the name and we decided to call it "Michis of this micro-enterprise from Mochis". It was an easy choice, as the name combined his love of cats and the creation of the business product. Plus, the name was easy to remember and sounded fun, which would help attract customers.
In addition, we have the idea that in the Mochi we draw the face of a cat and thus make the product more innovative and thus look more beautiful and attractive to consumers.
We think that consumers who own or like cats might like it more and it's a way that they can enjoy more and look more adorable just because it has a cat drawn on it.
Ahtziri Pamela Ochoa García
Andrea Monserrat Páez Arias
María Fernanda López Tello
El Grullo, Jalisco
Gorgonia Rivera #12